Rough Peacock Ore, approximately 0.75+ inches long
Peacock Ore
Peacock rock, or Bornite, is a stone of happiness, and gives off the message that life is truly a joyful experience. It helps one see that one is the image of creation now and always, and that there's no need for want in any aspect of life. It initiates our inner spirit to seek further heights and supports ones ability to enjoy happiness in the moment.
It is an excellent healing stone. It radiates a circular energy which returns to itself, transforming any negative forces it has gathered into advantageous energy. When applied to the body it affects the whole body. It can bring newness to ones life and is great for rebirthing and joining intellect and emotion. It can give insight into grief and relief and help us to release what is no longer useful. It can help one learn about obstacles blocking progress towards a specific goal and help to see other available avenues for moving forward. It can protect one from negative energy and help to discover its source.
When used on/near body above waist, it helps regulate the flow of adrenaline, increase alkalinity, increase potassium assimilation
and decrease excess calcium (esp conditions of deposited calcium). It can be useful in eliminating fever and swelling, to decrease protein simulation to facilitate orderliness within body (ex. gout, etc). When used below waist it helps increase circulation, increase acidity, stabilize the assimilation and retention of sodium, and stimulate adrenaline flow. It is great for treating convulsive and spasmatic conditions, in getting rid of fevers, and improving dehydration. It is useful in treating imbalances in cell metabolism and can bring harmony to cellular structure.